StormwaterPA's video case studies provide an in-depth look at some of the innovative solutions being applied to stormwater management challenges all over the state.
Protecting Water Quality, Preserving Quality of Life in the NJ Highlands 9:29
Highlands creeks and streams are key tributaries of the Delaware River, so their water qua...
A Healthy Wissahickon: We All Have a Part to Play 1:03
The Wissahickon Creek is a gem that's under constant stress--and it takes all hands on dec...
Healthy Urban Waters: Empowering People, Improving Communities, Creating Jobs 9:43
The case for the cost effectiveness, multiple community benefits, and job creation potenti...
Soak It Up, Philly! Stormwater Trees 1:40
Help keep our rivers clean. Plant a tree in your yard to help reduce stormwater and beauti...
Stormwater Bumpouts: Calmer Community, Cleaner Creek 4:26
Controlling polluted runoff creates more bang for the buck when systems improve water qual...
Restoring Plum Run: Turning Red Streams to Blue 9:52
In Chester County, people are restoring the health of their drinking water sources....
Mowing to Meadows 5:19
Mown lawn covers many open spaces, but rain runs off this land as though it was paved! Ret...
Greener, Healthier Play: Herron Playground 5:31
Herron Playround is a model public space that is loved by neighbors and that keeps runoff ...